AI directory Magma


Enhances learning experiences across various subjects by applying principles from the learning sciences.

What is it

MAGMA is a revolutionary AI-powered tutor that caters to the individual learning needs of diverse learners. Its advanced algorithms and scientific principles augment your learning experience across a plethora of subjects, fostering a deeper understanding and knowledge retention.

Key features

  • Tailored Learning: MAGMA leverages AI to personalize your learning journey, adapting to your unique needs and learning preferences.
  • Learning Science Principles: Grounded in cognitive and learning sciences, MAGMA utilizes techniques such as spaced repetition and cognitive load management to optimize your learning.
  • Customized Progress Tracking: Monitor your progress seamlessly, gain valuable insights into your strengths and areas for improvement, and refine your learning strategies accordingly.
  • Adaptive Learning: MAGMA continuously adjusts the difficulty level of questions and exercises, ensuring a consistently challenging and engaging learning experience.
  • Intuitive User Interface: MAGMA's user-friendly design makes it accessible to learners of all levels, fostering a seamless and enjoyable learning experience.
  • Reputable Content: MAGMA draws its content from credible sources, guaranteeing accurate and reliable information, enhancing your learning outcomes.


  • Personalized learning tailored to your unique needs and learning objectives.
  • Science-based approach that leverages proven learning techniques for effective knowledge retention.
  • Adaptive learning environment that continuously challenges you and keeps you engaged.
  • Comprehensive progress tracking that provides valuable insights into your learning journey.
  • User-friendly interface that simplifies the learning process and makes it accessible to all.
  • Content curated from reputable sources ensures accuracy and reliability.


  • May require an internet connection for full functionality, which could be a limitation in areas with limited or unstable internet access.
  • The effectiveness of the AI algorithms may vary depending on the quality and quantity of data available for your specific subject or topic of interest.
  • While MAGMA provides personalized recommendations, it is essential to note that it is not a substitute for human interaction and feedback from instructors or experts in your field of study.


MAGMA empowers learners with a powerful AI-driven learning platform that adapts to their individual needs. By integrating principles from the learning sciences, MAGMA enhances your learning journey, fostering a deeper understanding and retention of knowledge. Whether you're a lifelong learner, a student, or a professional, MAGMA offers a valuable tool to augment your learning experiences and achieve your educational goals.

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Enable AI functionalities in your app with ease

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Build frontend with useful pre-built UI components

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Easily manage users' billing for AI credits and subscriptions

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Store users' data with Licode's secured database

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Create actions for any business logic for your app

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Payment gateway with Stripe

Payment gateway with Stripe

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