AI directory Speechnotes


Your Efficient Speech-to-Text Tool

What is it

Speechnotes is a cloud-based speech-to-text tool that helps users save time and effort through dictation and transcription services. The tool has been in service since 2015 and has served millions of users since its inception.

Key features

  • Voice commands: Speechnotes supports using voice commands for punctuation and formatting, offering convenience and streamlining the transcription process.
  • Automatic capitalization: The tool automatically capitalizes words, eliminating the need for manual corrections and ensuring transcription accuracy.
  • Import/export: Speechnotes allows for easy import and export of recordings and transcripts, providing users with flexibility and compatibility with external tools.
  • Voice typing: The Chrome extension enables users to dictate notes directly, eliminating the need for typing and allowing for hands-free text creation.
  • Transcription API and webhooks: The tool offers a Transcription API and webhooks, enabling developers to integrate transcription capabilities into their applications and automate workflows.
  • Zapier integration: Speechnotes integrates with Zapier, allowing users to connect with various apps and services, automating tasks and enhancing productivity.
  • Mobile apps: Speechnotes provides Android and iOS apps, enabling users to access dictation and transcription functionality on their mobile devices.
  • Audio and video conversion: The tool supports converting audio and video recordings into text, offering versatility in content transcription.


  • Accuracy: Speechnotes leverages AI engines from Google and Microsoft, ensuring high transcription accuracy and reliability.
  • Speed and efficiency: The tool operates entirely online and in real-time, providing quick and efficient transcription, saving users time and effort.
  • Privacy and security: Speechnotes prioritizes user privacy by not storing user data unless necessary for operation, ensuring confidentiality and adherence to HIPAA compliance.
  • Health benefits: By eliminating the need for prolonged typing, Speechnotes helps minimize the risk of Computer Related Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI), promoting better physical well-being for users.
  • Cost-effective: The dictation notepad is available for free, with a small fee for an ad-free experience. Transcription services are charged on a pay-as-you-go basis, offering flexibility and affordability.


There is no information available on any cons or limitations of Speechnotes.


Speechnotes is a feature-rich, secure, and affordable speech-to-text tool that streamlines dictation and transcription tasks. With its advanced AI capabilities, user-friendly features, and commitment to privacy, it empowers users to save time, improve efficiency, and create content effortlessly.

Want to build your own AI App?

Licode is a no-code platform for builders, businesses and entrepreneurs to create web applications that are natively Powered by AI.

AI App Builder

Simple, yet powerful

Easily build SaaS, portals, dashboards, CRMs, chat apps, and form apps. All without code, and all powered by AI.

Enable AI in your app

Enable AI in your app

Licode comes with built-in AI infrastructure that allows you to easily craft a prompt, and use any Large Lanaguage Model (LLM) like Google Gemini, OpenAI GPTs, and Anthropic Claude.

Supplies knolwedge to AI

Supplies knolwedge to AI

Licode has a built-in RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) system to retrieve knowledge for your choice of LLMs in your app.

Build UI for your AI app

Build UI for your AI app

Licode offers a library of pre-built UI components like header, text, form inputs, charts, tables, AI components, and many more. Ship your AI app together with frontend fast.

Authenticate and manage users

Authenticate and manage users

Launch your AI app with sign up and log in pages out of the box. Set private pages for your app to only give access to authenticated users.

Monetise your app

Monetise your app

Licode provides built-in Subscriptions and AI credits billing system. Create different subscription plans, set the amount of credits you want to charge for AI Usage.

Accept payment with Stripe

Accept payment with Stripe

Licode makes it easy for you to integrate Stripe payment gateway in your app. Start earning and grow revenue for you business.

Create custom actions

Create custom actions

Give your app a life with Licode Actions. Perform database operations, AI interactions, and third-party integrations.

Store data in the database

Store data in the database

Simply create data tables in a secured Licode's database. Empower your AI app with data. Save data easily without any hassle.

Publish and launch

Publish and launch

Just one click and your AI app will be out on the Internet for any device. Share it with your team, clients or customers. Update and iterate easily.

Start building
with Licode