AI directory TalkinBrain


Customizable chat prompts for better communication.

What is it

TalkinBrain is a revolutionary ChatGPT app that elevates the user's conversation experience, transforming interactions into moments of genuine joy. With its intuitive user interface and customizable features, TalkinBrain empowers users to tailor their chat experiences, making them efficient, personal, and incredibly delightful.

Key features

  • Prompt Gallery: Access a treasure trove of frequently used prompts, ensuring quick and relevant suggestions to ignite conversations.
  • Customizable Prompts: Craft or modify prompts to reflect your unique style, imbuing the chat experience with a personal touch.
  • Tab Functionality: Engage in multiple conversations simultaneously, effortlessly juggling them without losing your train of thought.
  • Bookmarking: Mark important messages or conversations for easy retrieval, ensuring quick access to valuable information.
  • Spotlight Search: Search for specific keywords or phrases within your chat history, unearthing crucial details with ease.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Navigate the app with intuitive ease, immersing yourself in a seamless and enjoyable chat experience.


  • Foster joyful and personalized conversations, adding a touch of delight to every interaction.
  • Streamline the chat process with quick and relevant prompt suggestions, saving time and improving efficiency.
  • Multitask effortlessly, managing multiple conversations simultaneously without missing a beat.
  • Easily bookmark important messages or conversations, ensuring quick and easy access to valuable information.
  • Harness the power of search to locate specific information within chat history, making retrieval a breeze.
  • Customize prompts to mirror your personal style and interests, adding a touch of individuality to the chat experience.
  • Enhance the overall chat experience by adding personal flair, making it truly your own.


Upon extensive testing, no significant drawbacks were identified. TalkinBrain stands out as a remarkably well-crafted ChatGPT app that consistently delivers a seamless and enjoyable user experience.


TalkinBrain redefines the chat experience with its innovative features and user-centric approach. It empowers users to engage in joyful and efficient conversations, while maintaining control and personalization over their chat experience. Whether you're looking to streamline your conversations or simply add a touch of delight to your interactions, TalkinBrain is the ideal ChatGPT app for you.

Want to build your own AI App?

Licode is a no-code platform for builders, businesses and entrepreneurs to create web applications that are natively Powered by AI.

AI App Builder

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Easily build SaaS, portals, dashboards, CRMs, chat apps, and form apps. All without code, and all powered by AI.

Enable AI functionalities in your app with ease

Enable AI functionalities in your app with ease

Use AI prompt anywhere, everywhere. Give your users the power with AI in your app out of the box with Licode's built-in AI.

Build frontend with useful pre-built UI components

Build frontend with useful pre-built UI components

All you need to build a functional app for your business or startup in one place. Build fast, ship fast, go to market fast.

Authenticate and manage users with Licode's built-in Auth

Authenticate and manage users with Licode's built-in Auth

Your app comes with secured built-in authentication and user management system out of the box.

Easily manage users' billing for AI credits and subscriptions

Easily manage users' billing for AI credits and subscriptions

Integrate with Stripe in your app without hassle. Licode handles billing for both subscriptions and credits for AI usage.

Store users' data with Licode's secured database

Store users' data with Licode's secured database

Create data table to organise your users' data easily. Connect and store data directly from your app without hassle.

Create actions for any business logic for your app

Create actions for any business logic for your app

Actions allow you to perform certain tasks such as storing data, calling custom API endpoints, or using third-party integrations.

Payment gateway with Stripe

Payment gateway with Stripe

Accept payment for monthly subscriptions and AI credits bill via Stripe. AI credits system out of the box.

Publish and launch your app to the world

Publish and launch your app to the world

Release your brand new product to your customers, colleagues, or clients with just one click.

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