
Pages are the frontend of your application. You build pages of your app by using our prebuilt UI components. You can create as many pages as you want.

Create new page

Create new page

To create a page, simply click on the Plus button. You can choose the page type you would like to create depending on how you want your page to look like.

Page settings

Page settings

To open the page settings, simply hover the page, click on the settings icon.

Update page detail

Page settings

In general tab, you can update your page name and other page detail.

Page URL

Each page has its own URL. The page URL is how your users find the page. In the page URL, you can have a param.

The param in the URL is how you can pass the value to the page. For example, /users/{{ name }}, where the value of name can be passed via URL like: /users/john.

Page's featured image

You can upload a featured image for the page. This image will be used in social sharing if the page is public. This featured image will also be used in the page type that has a background image, for example, the "Column with image" typed page.

Set page as a home page

Your app should have home page. Home page is the default page of your app. When users logged into the app, home page is the first page to be shown. If you set a different page as a home page, the previous home page will be automatically unset.

Hide App layout

If you don't want the page to have a layout, you can check that "Hide App Layout". This is particularly useful for page that you would like to embed on your website or public page.

Make page public

You can set the page public so anyone can access it without having them create a new account or log into the app.

Embed the page

Once the page is public, you can make the page embeddable.

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with Licode