Prelaunch your app in less than a minute

Don't wait until your product is ready. Start collecting customers emails with a waitlist landing page or start selling with a presales landing page.

Trusted by incredible people at

Antler Xena Intelligence Cortex Agilea Group Arch Logix Contus Tech Codingcops

Simple, yet powerful

Go-to-market 10x faster. Just launch it.

Simple premium one page templates

Simple premium one page templates

Browse and use any template for your waitlist or presales pages.

Features section

Features section

Showcase your features in features section easily.

Payment provider with Stripe or Lemon Squeezy

Payment provider with Stripe or Lemon Squeezy

Integrate with your favourite payment provider for your presales pages.

Waitlist collection

Waitlist collection

Collect email addresses of your potential customers with built-in waitlist form.

Life Time Deal sales

Life Time Deal sales

Sell your Early Bird Deal to your early customers easily. It comes with presales templates out of the box.

Friendly SEO

Friendly SEO

All pages are indexable in any search engines.

Custom domain name

Custom domain name

Connect your pages with your own custom domain names.

Launch and grow

Launch and grow

One click to launch. Start growing your emails list or pre sales.

Launch it today!